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Poetry 3

Time passes through the endless mazes,
shapes of life, assorted phases.
Adding, subtracting. With countless
measures of love we welcome the newly born.
With endless accounts of sorrow
we bury death, and then we mourn.
We laugh, we weep, we sigh,
But still we don't understand what it is to die.
Time passages, tunneled deep within the womb.
Hallowed by the mere existance of natures tomb.
Beginning to end to begin again
Living to be loved and forgotten in the end
Where am I ? Within this region of time ?
(c) Daneen Dustin

(Dedicated to my nephews and niece, and my children, who survived, even me)
Summers here oh what a joy!
My brother sent me his two boys.
My sister sent her daughter too,
A lot of kids is nothing new.
we're going to take a camping trip,
My kids could lend a few tips.
Like all the tv's stay at home
Or you have to hike the trails alone.
Alaskan rivers are cold and sharp,
So don't go swimming after dark.
Towels are all a luxury,
If you get wet don't cry to me.
After hours don't leave the tent,
Unless the others know where you went.
None of us are wearing vests,
That moose back there should say it best.
This isn't like your woods back home,
Thar's bears in these here bush you roam.
Every moment spent with me,
Will guarantee a memory.
Like mud baths I sadi NOT to do,
Batisms in the Little Sioux.
The little train who thought he could,
Hiked two miles into the woods.
Withered bodied, tired and spent,
Groaned when I said set up tent!
But grinned and set up camp by fours,
While I prepared the fire for smores.
Then Ghost stories by a crackling fire,
Soon it's time we all retire.
Then I hear a hunter's shot!
don't go outside! I repeat do not!
I lie and wait for any sound,
Praying to God no ones around.
Here I am with no protection!
And a baseball team with no direction.
If they had to make it on their own,
In two years maybe they'd be home.
It starts to rain, oh that's just fine,
It couldn't pick a better time.
I slip outside the tent to see,
If any clothes are in the tree.
I crawl back in cold and wet,
A half inch space is all I get.
The kids are snoring quarter time,
I dig a rock out of my spine.
When slumber finally settles in,
The kids are ready to "camp" again.
(c) Daneen Dustin


All The Kings Horses
Encamped round fires of battle site,
Enchanted by flames that licked the night.
Mystified and held at bay,
By mythical legends to this very day.
Of gem encrested swords that held
Powers enlisted by wizardry spells.
Tallowed candles weeped their shadows,
Within dungeons filled with hosts of battle.
As crystals cast their fiery glow,
They who read the tarot know.
Of legends alternate to those they tell,
That speak no romance, but depths of hell.
Of torture chambers meant for those,
Whose loyalties were as they so chose.
Of Kings and Kingdoms ever more put asunder,
For quests of Holy Grail they plunder.
In Holy name of God came they,
A Trojan Horse called the Crusade.
They raped and they pillaged abusing power,
To have more than his worth turned His Highness sour.
And all the Kings horses and all the Kings men,
Spent hundreds of years putting him together again.
(c) Daneen Dustin



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